Hi my name is Marcus Centell.
I am 24 years old and the founder of RISE ABOVE CLOTHING and I want to share my story. At the age of 3 I was diagnosed with stage 4 Leukemia I then relapsed at age 4 and for 4 more years after that I had to fight for my life. Due to the chemotherapy I then went into kidney failure and had to do dialysis for 4 years until I was in remission long enough to get on the transplant list thankfully it 2012 I was able to get new kidney. I have now been going strong for 12 years and of course growing up I heard a lot of doctors say "I feel your pain" when they didn't and also going into my young adult hood I suffered from depression so one day I herd a quote by actor Kevin Heart stating "the sun don't stop rising for no one, the moon doesn't stop rising for anyone and time does not stop for anyone" and that’s when a switch flipped in my head and that's when I started this brand, To show everyone and anyone that no one can stop me from getting and going where I want in life. The meaning behind the name "Rise Above" stands for “rising above all obstacles and challenges life throws at you to get where you want”. So DON'T LET NO ONE EVER TELL YOU WHAT AND WHAT YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE IN YOUR LIFE YOU PAVE YOUR OWN PATH and one last quote that I love.
"if you ain’t got no haters you ain't doing something right" -Marcus Centell